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The Beginning Of Death

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Happy 2oO9 Everybody!! (although it's late)
Miss me everybody? :P
Aiyo.. i dunno y but i really miss schooling, my classmates, Mrs Tan's 'talks', teacher and their scoldings although they are more of nagg than scold.. :))
I just came back from chalet this morning so i decided to write about it..
On 2nd of jan, at 10.45am, I went back to school with Gerald to get his fnn coursework and his things at the library back.. When we reach opss, we went to the staff room to find our beloved Mdm Ng and we chatted fer awhile b4 moving on to meet Dx.. But by the time we met him, it was 11am already so they had to go back to class for their lessons.. After that, we went to the canteen to have our lunch b4 moving on to the food lab and needlework room to find the Auntie as Mdm Pan wasn't in school that day.. but she was missing in action.. T^T
Then we went to the library to get Gerald's stuff..

After leaving the school, we went to downtown east ot meet up with joel and gang.. Then we waited for the 迟到王 KianWenRong to arrive b4 going into the chalet cos he was the 1 who booked the chalet.. When he arrive we went into the chalet and statrted bbqing.. then WeiJian, Jeremy, Rebecca, Siling and some others came over in different little groups.. after the bbq some of those who are not staying over left... then some of us went fer 'Ip Man' at 1 plus 2.. the movie was good.. after the movie, we went back but everyone at the chalet have already gone to sleep so we went fer a walk in pasir ris park.. we sat on the breakwater along the beach and chat over the night..

On the 3rd of Jan, i woke up at 12~1 pm slack around, played dai-di till in the evening then i went out wif matthias to have our dinner at the foodcourt cos those lazy pigs are just too lazy to walk out to have lunch... they rather have instant noodles.. Zzz.. When i went back to the chalet i took a bath and played ZX's psp.. Initially, we wanted to go out for a walk but the toopid channel 5 movie had everybody fall asleep so... hais.. Then this we checked out of the chalet at 1030am had our breakfast and took a bus home...
I know this chalet ish kindda boring but it's alright for us cos it a rare gathering for 2a2'06.. I guess this is all i could write for now.. I'll try my best to write more cos the days without school is really very boring!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Got Tagged by Phoebe aka Zhu Tou to do this
Name a friend from A-Z
A- Amanda
B- Benny
C- Chin Hung
D- Derek
E- Eric
F- Fernando
G- Gerald
H- Hong Lim
I- Izyan
J- JingYi
K- Kenneth
L- Lilian
M- Maisie
N- Namirah
P- Phoebe
R- Rebecca
S- Szeli
T- Teck Siong
W- Wenda
X- Xiue
Y- Yu Zhu
Z- Zi An

2) Can R & S be together in a BGR? [
It would a GGr already.. lols!

3) How is L related to you?
My senior..

4) Does Y know Z?
i don't think so..

5) If C betrays you, will you kill him/her?
He wun de lah..

6) If K steals your girlfriend/boyfriend, what would you do?
Mince him up!!

7) What if B tells you that he/she has a crush on you?
He's cousin..

8) Will you and M get into fight?
she's my friend's gurlfriend leh.. u wan me get killed arh?? T^T

9) Who does R have a crush on?
ehh?? dunno??

10) If G calls you a bitch, what would you do?
Throw him down Taibei 101

11) What's the relationship between you and E?

12) Who is C's best friend?
Wei Woon??

13) Who does Z like?
ehh... His Beloved ciggs.. hahas!!

14) What color does Y like?
dunno leh..

15) Where does G live?

16) Did you and C have a fight before?

17) Who is H's best friend?
dunno? i guess he doesn't cos everybody is.. ^^

18) What can you say about T?
he's crazy...

19) What if W tells you that he/she has a crush on you?
slap him awake cos that will make him a gay.. =.=

20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sian.. PC Down.. Now can only use my dad's laptop.. Just reach home from sim lim square but in the end came home empty handed.. T^T Wasted 3 hrs shopping fer nothing.. Zzz.. Somemore i starting work tmr.. No more time to go back le... Must wait till Jan ler.. Btw I'm Going chalet on te 2nd of Jan. ^^ Orh~~ Poor little Sec school Students.. Still haf to go school... Wah haha!! XD
Anyways, Happy Holidays.. XD

Saturday, December 06, 2008
I'm finally back after 3 weeks of not updating.. ^^
Sryy lah... Too lazy to update.. i noe u all miss me right? (ps fer the bhbnessXP )
Btw i Just changed my blogskin and i hope everyone will like it.. :)
Just came back from 'chalet' yesterday and i slept the whole day yesterday, that's why i did not blog yesterday..
Actually the chalet was tonning at Jaslin's house and lots of things happened..

On Wednesday(3/12), I went over to jaslin's house at about 4~5pm then we went down to 700+ to prepare for fishing overnight.. Actually it's crabing cos we were only prepared to catch crabs..
then Jaslin, Eric, Dingxuan, Wenda, me, Joanne and her stead biked to sebawang park for some crabing.. Jingyi sneaked out later to meet us at sembawang. We only caught lyk 3~4 crabs the whole night but we brought abt 16 crabs home cos a bunch of indians gave us a whole bag? or should i say net? nevermind it's just about 12 crabs lah and that's how we ended up wif so many crabs over one night.. It's isn't alot for one whole night.. But its ok fer us.. Although we did catch them ourselves.. :P

At 9 a.m. on 4/12, before eric company jaslin to work, Ding Xuan, Wenda and Me went to sleep.. When we woke up we started killing all the crabs.. HaHa! No lah.. we are not that Evil.. We only killed one crab cos by the time we woke up, all the crabs had died except this one small but crab that survived.. Amazing.. Anyway we steamed all the crabs and had a little crab feast..
Jingyi and Eric did not eat the crabs cos they didn't want to... After that we played psp, used Jaslin's comp, and slacked at Jaslin's house until Jingyi went off angrily cos she was hungry and we kept delayed the time slacking.. Then we chased out with bikes to find Jingyi but we couldn't catch up as she already got onto a bus by the time we reach the busstop But we didn't give up... we biked all the way to northpoint hoping to catch up but still, we failed.. Then we went to 925 to packed our dinner back to Jaslin's house to eat..

Right after we had our dinner, we rushed down to harbourfront to fetch jaslin from work.. When we came back to Yishun, jaslin got fedup cos somethings happened along the way and she left ,in her father's car, us four at northpoint.. As we wanted to give Jaslin time to cool down before we return to Jaslin's house, we decided to eat dou hua at the shop near Krislan... But before we could finish it, jaslin sent eric a msg telling us to go back to jaslin's house in half an hour's time to pack our bags and.. So we had to gobble our food and rush back to to jaslin's house.. (Actually it's not totally her fault , She didn't haf dinner and she tonned wif us knowing that she had to work the next day)

At Jaslin's house, we packed our bags but b4 we went off, Eric talked to Jaslin privately.. Fortunately, Jaslin allowed us to stay for the night.. Then Jaslin and Eric went off to sleep and the three of us chatted till 2a.m... At 2 a.m., Dingxuan, Wenda and me went out to haf some supper.. On the way out, we met police officer in their cars and they asked for our ic so we gave it to them.. After asking one whole lot of questions, they finally went off... Phew! What a close one.. Luckily they didn't come cos me and Dingxuan just had 'sticks'... After the supper, we went back to jaslin's house and chatted overnight.. Until eric woke up then we helped pack up jaslin's house alittle before going off...

This ish all for this post cos it's getting alittle too lenghty... I'll try to update more often lah... Dun Miss Me!! ^^ Take cares Everybody!!

Monday, December 01, 2008
1.The person who tag you is yanqi.

2.Your relationship with her is friend

3.Your five impression of her --> short? small? i dunno much abt her leh...

4.The most memorable thing she said to you . i dun remember any leh...

5.The most memorable thing she has done for you. oh?? did she??

6.If she is your lover, you will.. dunno?? mayb tat will neber happen..

7.If he is your lover.The thing he has to improve on will be..

8.If he becomes your enemy,you will.. ignore..

9.If he becomes your enemy,The reasons will be.. no reasons??

10.What is it you want to tell them? who ish the 'them'??

11.Your overall impression of her.. small ?

12.How you think ppl around u will feel about you.- bhb of cos... ^^

13.The characters you love about yourself. my bhb-ness

14.On the contrary,The characters you hate yourself are.
bad temper last tym ( dunno abt now)

15.The most ideal person you want to be is? someone who can take care of his family and friends..

16.For people that care and like you, say something to them.
Really nothing but thank you!! :)

17.Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you
1)Eric 2)Jiemin 3)YanQi 4)Sarah 5)Phoebe 6)Rebecca 7)Jaslin 8)Szeli 9)Teck Siong 10)JingYi

18.Who is No.6 having relationship with ? ehh?? how wud i noe??

19. Is No.9 female or male ? Male

20. If No.7 & No.10 be together , will it be a good thing ? lesbians?? 0.o

21.What is No.2 studying about ? nothing?? it's holidays!! ^^

22.When was the last time you chat with No.3 ? wks ago?

23.What kind of music does No.8 like ? dunno leh... T-T

24.Does No.1 has siblings ? yar... a little bro

25.Will you WOO No.3 ? of cos not!!

26.How about No.7 ? She's taken by No.1 lah.. Zzz...

27. Is No.4 single ? Not sure...

28.What is the surname of No.5 ? Lim..

29.What is the hobby ofNo.10 ? hobby? dunno..

30.Does No.5 and No.9 get along well ? they dunno each other.. =.=

31.Where is No.2 studying at ? Orchid park sec.

32. Talk something about No.1 --> a Magic mania

33.Have you tried developing feeling for No.8 ? mayb?

34.Where does No .9 stay ? Yishun bah...

35.Are you No.1 & No.5 bestfriend ? sort of bah..

36.Does No.1 has pets ? use to...

37.Is No.7 The sexiest person in the world? NeVeR!!!

38.What is No.1o doing now ? how wud i noe??

Saturday, November 15, 2008
ArG!! Can someone please tell me what to do??
I don't if i should go for the cadet officer's course..
I'm really confuse now! Do i really want this rank?? Yes! Everybody who's in NCC wants to achieve this rank..
But am i that committed to NCC??No!?
Do i want to continue giving my all into NCC throughout my ploy life?? i don't Know!!
And how am i going to be a leader, an officer if i'm not decisive enough even to decide whether i should attend the course or not??
I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!! I'm So DAM stresssed up Now!!!
Someone PLEASE give me advices!! TT-TT

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally... the *#$@&#&#@#&* 'o' levels haf ENDED!!!!! WOOTS!! >_<
And it's time fer some CELEBRATIONS!!! PARTY TIME!!! WUAHAHAHA!!!

Today just sat fer my final paper, sci p1, and it's lyk .... ..... ..... .....
Overal, I would say 'o' levels ish quite managable although i didnt study much fer 'o' levels.. the 1 and only thing i did was doing my 10year series... Omg i hope that i can do well or just average would be enough lor... Aiya let's just leave the worrying for nxt Jan and HAF FUN!! for the rest of the year!! YAY!! ^^

Oh yar! I almost forgot! All the best to all those taking pure sci and CLB... haf fun! ^^

The ReAper

A CertiFied HuMan
D.o.B: 13/JuLy/1992 XSch0ol:OrchidParkSec

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His St0rys

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009

